Updates an either name of or the note of an existing number block
Item | Comment |
Availability version | Version 1.0 |
Initial release date | June 27, 2017 |
Last updated on | June 27, 2017 |
Related to | Ranger Documentation |
Set-UdmRMNumberBlock - Identity -Name <String> -Note <string> [<CommonParameters>]
Parameter | Description | Class | Accepted options | Constraints | Usage | Unique | Available from version |
Identity | The GUID of the number block to update | System.String | 32 hex characters in the format xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | Required | v1.0 | ||
RangeIdentity | The GUID of the range the number block is in. Important you cannot change this to move the number block to a new range. | System.String | 32 hex characters in the format xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | Required | v1.0 | ||
PhoneNumber | The phonenumber associated for the number block. Specifying a new number changes the existing number | System.String | Phone number in E.164 format | Required | v1.0 | ||
Quantity | Specify a value to change the quantity of numbers in the number block | System.String | Number from 1 to 999999 | Optional | v1.0 | ||
serviceId | New service ID for the number block | System.String | 1 to 40 characters | Optional | v1.0 | ||
serviceProvider | New service provider for the number block | System.String | 1 to 40 characters | Optional | v1.0 | ||
Note | New comments to add to the range | System.String | 1 to 255 characters | Optional | v1.0 |
Field Name | Description |
id | The GUID of the number block changed |
phoneNumber | The starting phone number associated with the number block |
extension | Starting extension associated with this number block if it is an extension range |
quantity | The quantity of numnbers in the number block |
createdOn | Date and time the number block was created on in ISO8601 format |
serviceId | The service ID associated with the number block |
ServiceProvider | The service provider associated with the number block |
note | The note associated with the number block |
updatedOn | Date and time the number block was updated on in ISO8601 format |
rangeId | The GUID of the range the number block is in |
usedQuantity | The number of numbers allocated in the range |
updatedBy | The GUID of the user that just changed the range with this command |
Example 1
In example 1, the Set-UdmRMNumberBlock cmdlet changes the note on the number block who's GUID is 86b1087d-83cb-4f23-8768-5e45e742f2dc
Set-UdmRMNumberBlock -identity "86b1087d-83cb-4f23-8768-5e45e742f2dc" -note "New building on the corner of 5th and Main"
Example 2
In example 2, the Set-UdmRMRange cmdlet changes the name on the number block who's GUID is 86b1087d-83cb-4f23-8768-5e45e742f2dc
Set-UdmRMNumberBlock -identity "86b1087d-83cb-4f23-8768-5e45e742f2dc" -name "Boston Downtown"