Using PowerShell on-premise without HTTPS

Using PowerShell on-premise without HTTPS

By Default the Ranger PowerShell module is configured to operate with HTTPS with the Enoten cloud platform. If you are running on-premise without implementing HTTPS on your server then the PowerShell module needs to be loaded with arguments to turn off HTTPS and possibly FQDN checking.


Import-Module EzUDM -force -argumentlist useHTTPS, validateFQDN

EzUDMThe name of the Enoten PowerShell module. The PowerShell module should have ben installed in the PSModulePathString
ForceThis forces the reloading of the PowerShell module


There are two Boolean positional values that are available.

  • Parameter 1 Indicating if HTTPS should be used
  • Parameter 2 Indicating if the tenant FQDN should be validated
 Boolean$True,$True Optional 


Example 1

In Example 1, the module is loaded and prepared for a UDM server which is not using HTTPS

Import-Module EzUDM -force -argumentlist $False

Example 2

In Example 2, the module is loaded and prepared for a UDM server which is not using HTTPS and the format of the tenant FQDN is not checked this is useful where the tenant is not in DNS and you just want to use an IP Address or the DNS entry is not a full FQDN.

Import-Module EzUDM -force -argumentlist $False, $False