

Create a new number block in an existing Range

Availability versionVersion 1.0
Initial release dateJune 27, 2017
Last updated onJune 27, 2017
Related toRanger Documentation


New-UdmRMNumberBlock -RangeIdentity <String> -PhoneNumber <string> -Quantity <string> [-Extension <string> -ServiceID <string> -ServiceProvider <string> -note <string>] [<CommonParameters>]


ParameterDescriptionClassAccepted optionsConstraintsUsageUniqueAvailable from version
RangeIdentityThe GUID of the range to create the number block in. The range must already exist.System.String

32 hex characters in the format



The starting phone number for the number block.

Phone Number in the same E.164 format as used in your Skype for Business DeploymentRequired
QuantityThe total number of phone numbers or extensions in the number blockSystem.String
Number from 1 to 999999Required
ExtensionThe starting extension in the number blockSystem.String

1 - 20 characters

ServiceIDThis is a free form field to document the service identifier for the circuit or trunk for easy referenceSystem.String
1 - 40 charactersOptional
ServiceProviderThis is a free form field to document the service provider name for easy referenceSystem.String
1 - 40 charactersOptional
NoteThis a free form field for general comments on the number blockSystem.String
1 - 255 charactersOptional


Example 1 

In example 1, the New-UdmRMNumberBlock cmdlet creates a new number block of 1000 numbers in the Boston range

New-UdmRMNumberBlock -rangeidentity 6b1087d-83cb-4f23-8768-5e45e742f2dc -phonenumber +16175551000 -quantity 1000

Example 2

In example 2, the number block of 1000 numbers is created  in the Boston range with additional information

New-UdmRMNumberBlock -rangeidentity 6b1087d-83cb-4f23-8768-5e45e742f2dc -phonenumber +16175551000 -quantity 1000 -ServiceProvider Verizon -ServiceID "SIP 123 z4" -note "additional SIP trunk for January expansion"

See Also