Data Collected by UDM Pro

Data Collected by UDM Pro

UDM Pro collects information from the devices connected to the system. It also hold the configuration information entered by the organizations administrators as well as data collected by the device which it uploads to the bridge.

Device MAC address
Users SIP Address
Users Name
Device IP address
Device Model
Device Location (if entered by admin)
Device Software Version
Device Last Seen Time
Device Timezone (if entered by admin)
Config File sent to the device
Speed dials sent to the device
Config entries entered on the device
Config entries entered by web interface for the device
Boot LogĀ 
App Log
Crash Dump Log

Device send other files as defined in the manufacturers specifications. We do not itemise this as these are liable to change without our knowledge and there are no specific documentation refer to https://community.polycom.com/t5/VoIP-SIP-Phones/FAQ-What-files-does-my-phone-download-or-upload-and-why/td-p/30582 for an example. These files although stored are not displayed in the administration UI.