How to activate your Engine Room license
How to activate your Engine Room license
If the EngineRoom server has external connectivityĀ then automatic activation can be undertaken:
- LoginĀ to EngineRoom server viaĀ http://EngineRoomServer (The Enterprise Commander URL)
- Select the Global settings tab on the top right hand corner of the page.
- Clicking 'License' and then click 'Refresh' (no input required).
- Assuming the EngineRoom server has external connectivity, the updated license entitlement should be received from Resource Center automatically (no activation required).
If the EngineRoom server does not have external connectivity, then manual activation is required:
- LoginĀ to EngineRoom server viaĀ http://EngineRoomServer (The Enterprise Commander URL)
- Select the Global settings tab on the top right hand corner of the page
- Clicking 'License' and then click 'Refresh' (no input required). The EngineRoom server will try to connect externally and fail, and as a result will show an encoded text block.
- CopyĀ the encoded text block from the Appliance Admin
- Login to Resource Center, and on the home page you will see a your license/s, click on 'Manually Activate this License' for the appropriate License.
- Paste in the encoded text block, then click submit.
- Download the resultant *.lic file to your local machine.
- Upload the *.lic file into the EngineRoom server License tab.
, multiple selections available,