Upgrading Enterprise Commander

Upgrading Enterprise Commander


The upgrade of the Enterprise Commander Server requires access to the following;

  • Putty or a Telnet / SSH Client.
  • An FTP Client.
  • The Enterprise Commander Server details.
  • Access to the Event Zero ResourceĀ Centre.


To upgrade Enterprise Commander installed on Windows server 2012, see /wiki/spaces/HOME/pages/14549010.


  1. Ensure that a snapshot of the existing Virtual Server has been taken so that it can be rolled back to if required.
  2. Advise Customers who are aware of & have access to Commander that it will beĀ unavailableĀ during the upgrade.
  3. Download the Enterprise Commander debian files from the ResourceĀ Centre, ensure that you are downloading the required upgrade versions files.
  4. Transfer the downloaded debain files to the Enterprise Commander server via FTP, the Files can be placed in the main directory.
  5. Install theĀ transferredĀ files via the below commands;
    • sudo dpkg -i engineroom2012_(Version Number)_all.deb
    • sudo dpkgĀ -i engineroom2012ui_(Version Number)_all.deb

Once this has been done the server will restart using the new version and the web portal will be accessible. The version will be displayed at the bottom of the web portal page.

If the web portal is displaying a 502 Bad Gateway error restart the the following service using the SSH Client.

  • /etc/init.d/php5-fpm restartĀ