In version 3 of UDM Pro Auto login device profiles have been replaced with Device - Device Profiles. With the Auto Login Device Profile a limited number of fixed attributes were available, the details on the Auto Login Templates are in the deprecated section below.
To import the Device - Device Profiles
Step 1: Create a CSV file
The CSV file can either be created manually or you can export the current Device - Device Profiles.
CSV layout
Header row must contain the title macAddress.
Other header titles must be the name of a valid Poly attribute.
macAddress, "reg.1.address", "reg.1.auth.userid", "reg.1.auth.password"
0004f28681c4 ,14763 ,user1, pass1
0004f28711d7 ,14784 ,user2, pass2
Where possible the CSV file will validate you have entered a valid Poly Attribute by checking against the firmware schema.
Step 2: Go to the import/export screen
At the top of the Device Profiles screen selection the IMPORT button.
Step 3: Browse to the CSV file and select
Step 4: Validate the imported CSV
When you select the CSV file if there are no immediate errors displayed, the file is then validated on the changes that will be made. This validation make take some time depending on the number of devices in the CSV file. You can select the tabs to see which devices are being modified/created.
Step 5: Import the CSV
When you click the Import button the message that the import is being processed will be displayed. When it is completed the screen will reset and a success pop up will appear briefly at the bottom of the screen. At the same time the Rollback section will be updated indicating that you can rollback to a previous version should the import fail.
Export Bulk Device - Device Profiles
Before creating or updating the Device - Device Profiles you may want to export the current profiles.
You can either export all the Device - Device Profiles or select tags to limit what is exported. If you select multiple tags the devices exported will be an "and". So if you select two tags called New York and Chicago the devices exported will be all of those in both tag groups, not those in both.
DEPRECATED: Auto Login Device Profile
As well as manually creating Auto Login Device Profiles using the GUI it is also possible to import a large number of Auto Login Devices with a CSV file.