Using a Load Balancer to use multiple UDM Pro Bridge

UDM Pro Bridges can up set up in a load balanced scenario to help manage a large number of devices in a location/deployment. 

UDM Pro will require the load balanced network to be set up a certain way to work as the application is intended, here are a few points to keep in mind when setting up the load balanced network:

Load balancing methods: 

A persistent load balancing method will be required to be used. This will help keep the phone connected to same Bridge as all times helping keep UDM Pro efficient.

"X-forwarded-for" Headers:

Enable X-forwarded-for headers to allow the UDM Pro Bridges to read originating IP addresses from the phone. 


Transparency will need to be enabled. This will preserve the originating IP address allowing the Bridges to communicate to the phones. 

The traffic flow should look like: