The Data administration application menu item allows you to manage the Lync data that is synced to the system.
Reassign Subnets and sites on calls:
This button is to be only used when changes have been made to the site and subnet allocations on Dossier so that all the old call data can be re-allocated the new site and subnet allocations.
Once the job has started, the server will take some time to go through all the data in its database and re-allocate them. Please be patient.
Reassign locations for phone numbers on calls
This button is only to be used when changes are made to the site and subnet allocations on Dossier, starting this job will reassign the locations for phone numbers that are on calls.
Delete subnets not linked to site
Using this button will delete all subnets that are not yet assigned to site. Keep in mind that these subnets will return if Lync activities are detected on them.
Data retention
This section allows administrators to configure the number of days lync data should be retained on the system.
By default, the server is set to retain all the data it has ever synced. This can be changed for a chosen entity by choosing custom days.
Approved Devices
This section allows administrators to choose the built in approved devices or upload a custom list of approved devices for UCCommander to use to match against discovered devices.
The custom list of approved devices will need to be a tab separated file with the following columns:
“manufacturer name”<tab>”device name”<tab>”regular expression for device name matching”<tab>”certified? <1/0>”