
Devices are listed by the following columns:

Manage Devices

Device Details

Bridge this device connected to

Bridges communicate to EZ UDM Pro information about devices that have connected. At the device level, EZ UDM Pro reveals which bridge a given device is connected to. The columns that are available for devices connected to a bridge:

Device Logs

Logs that the device makes available to EZ UDM Pro through the bridge. This section is populated only if files are available.
If logs are available, you can do the following.

Device Specific Files

Configuration or other files such as Phone and Web Files that are specific to a unique set of devices. This section will be empty unless there are files for these devices for the device you are viewing.


A list of tags that are or could be applied to the device.If the order column is a number then this indicates the order in which the tag is applied to the device, if it is N/A then that tag is not applied to the device.

Config Entries

These list the Tags and Device Profiles contained in them that are applied to the device. The tags can be expanded to show the Device Profiles which in turn can be expanded to show the parameter in the Device Profile. The numbers in brackets indicated the number of entries applied out of the total number. For example (14/15) indicates that 14 entries were appied from the group and 1 will have been overridden by other Device Profiles further down the list. Entries that are over ridden are shown as crossed through, using the filter command you can display all the places a parameter is and if it is overridden.The screen shot below shows the example where the voIpProt.SIP.specialEvent.checkSync.alwaysReboot is initially set to 1 and then changed to 0


There are three actions that you can perform on your devices.


Devices features the ability to select multiple devices by selecting the checkbox to the left of the MAC address, or you can select all devices by selecting the checkbox to the left of the MAC Address column label.
When you have selected the devices that you want to act on, you choose to Delete the selected devices, or export the details to a CSV file, or download device log files.
Note! Download of log files only appears if there are log files available on the device or a device(s) in your multi-selection. The file that contains the log files is downloaded to your computer as a compressed .zip format file named as the MAC address of the device that the logs were retrieved from.